Bhavith C

Understand the asop repository

When I first time cloned and build the aosp code, I was very much wonder how few commands can get us the android OS Commands Clone the repo $ repo init --partial-clone -b main -u https://android....

Design Patterns Intents and Motivations

In this blog we gonna see about some of the important aspects of the design patterns such as Intent, Also known as, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants and Related Patterns Creation...

Design Patterns Slides

Design Patterns in C++ Here are some of the helpful slide which is derived from Gang of four

Is const reference always thread safe when used as function parameter?

Many people has a fear of thread safety when using const reference as parameter to a function. As usual lets start with some examples and understand the thread safety of const reference Lets consi...

Do you know int main takes three arguments

Many of us know how to read command line arguments from the program in C/C++ #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** pArgv) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::cout...

Adapter design pattern

Definition: Adapter is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate. You may have browsed already many other places and might have watched lot of vid...

Track heap allocation as well check memory leaks in C++ programmatically

How can we track number of bytes allocated in heap for the given object. We know that allocating a memory in heap is costly, if we want to know exactly how much memory is allocated on heap we can ...

Rule of three in c++

There are three special functions in C++ class destructor copy constructor overload assignment operator If one of these functions is not defined by programmer, then compiler defines it for...

Single Responsibility Principle

There are five design principles and one among them is SRP (Single Responsibility Principle). it stated that Every class should have only one reason to change What does it means the only one reaso...

C++ concepts covered most

Inheritance It is a relation ship between two classes where one class child inherit from other class parent Polymorphism Single entity can exist in two different forms Exampl...